4pm, Saturday 11th May – St Luke’s Church, Victoria Road, Cambridge, CB4 3DZ
Get carried away this Spring by the magnificent energy of our trombone section starring in Henry Fillmore’s ‘screamer’ march – Rolling Thunder! The rest of our programme will showcase the versatility and range of writing for brass band, from Philip Sparke’s evocative soundscape in A Tameside Overture to the Queen classic Don’t Stop Me Now! There truly will be something for every musical taste.
Doors open at 3.30pm for a 4pm start.
Free entry with a retiring collection.
Refreshments available during the interval.
Contact csdbrass@gmail.com or via Facebook or Twitter for more information.

First half
Star Lake Eric Ball
A Tameside Overture Philip Sparke
Cry Me a River Arthur Hamilton, arr. Alan Morrison
Circle of Life Elton John arr. Frank Bernaerts
Meditation on Saint Bees John Bacchus Dykes arr. Lloyd Scott
Don’t Stop Me Now Freddie Mercury arr. Frank Bernaerts
Second half
Men of Harlech trad., arr. Gordon Langford
Mary Poppins the Sherman brothers arr. Denis Wright
Under the Boardwalk Kenny Young and Arthur Resnick arr. Philip Harper
Swedish Folk Song Traditional, arr. Peter Graham
The Bare Necessities Terry Gilkyson, arr. Leigh Baker
Rolling Thunder! Henry Fillmore arr. Keith Wilkinson